Discover the full suite of Hogan reports
As Hogan’s first international distributor, our unrivalled Hogan knowledge underpins our assessment related consultancy services, Hogan report ordering insights and delivery of Hogan certification courses.

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- Leadership
- Personal Development
- Reports that include HDS
- Reports that include HPI
- Reports that include MVPI
- Selection
- Teams
HBRI Report
The HBRI Report highlights overall qualitative and quantitative business reasoning as well as the individual's cognitive style: independent thinker, free thinker, analytical thinker or critical thinker.
Hogan Judgement Report
- The Hogan Judgement Report draws on a powerful new assessment combining cognitive ability, bright- and dark-side personality, and values
- The Judgement assessment consists of two brief measures related to verbal and numerical reasoning, three independent scales that assess non cognitive attributes that influence how an individual approaches decisions, and an assessment of post-decision reactions, including responses to negative feedback
- The report provides an in-depth description of participants' information processing style, decision-making approach, decision-making style, reactions to feedback, and openness to feedback and coaching
- Further online training is required to administer the Judgement Assessment and Report
Hogan Flash Report
The Hogan Flash Report is ideal for coaches or trained users and provides the scores and raw data from the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), Hogan Development Survey (HDS) and Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) and their associated subscales.
Hogan Insight Report
- Can be purchased as individual reports per instrument or as a package of all 3
- Insight reports provide an executive summary of the profile as well as an overview of the data
- The Insight report provides one page per scale and gives a deeper score interpretation along with some discussion points for feedback sessions and a dive into the meaning behind the subscale scores
- The HPI Insight report includes details of 6 occupational scales which can be removed on request
Leadership Forecast Report
- Can be purchased as individual reports per instrument or as a package.
- Leadership Potential and Challenge reports provide a summary of each scale across 2 pages including behavioural implications, leadership implications, competency analyses and developmental recommendations.
- The Leadership Values report provides a one page summary of each scale focusing on drivers, fit, leadership style & culture and potential unconscious biases as well as a second page suggesting 4 developmental points for each value with a leader focus.
Summary & Coaching:
- The Coaching report takes the individual through a 5 step coaching development process aimed at strategic self awareness. Step 1 is to analyse their job with Step 5 culminating in the integration of previous steps with their personality data to form a development plan.
- The Summary report gives an overview of the 3 Leadership forecast reports. The report focuses on performance strengths, challenges and key values and drivers and provides a snapshot to consider future performance improvement goals.
Leadership Potential (based on the HPI)
- The High Potential Talent Report (HPI, HDS & MVPI) is based on a three-part model emphasising Leadership Effectiveness, Leadership Foundations and Leadership Emergence
- The 36 page report is intended to help emergent leaders become more effective, and help effective leaders become more emergent. The goal is to identify performance areas where focus and attention can be profitably directed in order to maximise leadership potential
- The report highlights leadership strengths based on the model and prioritises development goals
Leadership Challenge (based on the HDS)
The Challenge Report describes a leader’s characteristic way of interpreting the world and treating subordinates while under stress and pressure. The Challenge Report predicts career-derailing behaviours that interfere with the ability to build a cohesive and high-performing team – the hallmark of effective leadership.
Leadership Values Report (based on the MVPI)
The Values Report explores a person’s core values and goals that ultimately drive a leader’s behaviour, aspirations and expectations about life. What a person values determines how he/she will lead; this determines the kind of environment a leader will create and the sort of organisational culture in which the person will do the best work.
Leadership Summary Report
The Summary Report is a 7-page report based on the HPI, HDS and MVPI assessments and is intended to be used by the coach. It can be used to understand an individual’s performance potential and any barriers to achieving it. The report summarises information from the Potential, Challenge and Values reports and highlights career development tips and also includes a summary of all assessment scores.
Leadership Coaching Report
The Coaching Report is a self-guided, comprehensive development planning tool for individual leadership development. The Coaching Report integrates the information from the Potential, Challenge, and Values reports into a five-step planning process. By completing this process, a leader produces a powerful, personal development plan designed to foster professional growth.
High Potential Report
The Hogan High Potential Talent Report is based on a three-part model emphasising Leadership Effectiveness, Leadership Foundations and Leadership Emergence. The report closes the skills gap between what your organisation requires in a leader and the talent available in the pipeline.
The report highlights:
- Leadership strengths based on the Hogan High Potential Model
- Prioritised development goals for every participant
- Upon request, custom high-potential identification tools and aggregate analytics on the organisation’s high-potential population
The model is actionable and reputation-based, which contrasts with the often politically charged nomination process associated with high-potential programmes. It helps to create behavioural change driven by digestible development goals, enabling talented individuals to reach their full potential. The report prescribes clear development actions for leaders and creates measurable paths for development within the organisation.
Leader Focus Report
Leadership qualities are as multi-faceted as the people who make up any organisation. Yet most organisations tend to view leadership advancement as reliant on people management skills, rather than technical expertise or achieving results. Hogan’s new Leader Focus report takes elements of the HPI and MVPI to provide insight into a candidate’s predisposition for six different styles of leadership. The report will inform their areas of effectiveness as well as areas to develop.
Emotional Intelligence Report
- The Hogan EQ Report assesses emotional intelligence, the ability to identify and manage your own and others' emotions
- Based on the HPI and HDS, the report provides an overall EQ score, as well as scores and feedback for six emotional competencies
- The report also includes a summary of likely behaviours, score pros and cons, and discussion points
Sales Basis Report
- The Sales Basis Report is ideal for the selection and hiring of revenue-generating sales staff across a range of industries
- Based on the HPI and MVPI, the report assesses the candidate's results, focusing on general characteristics relevant to that person's success, including their reaction to stressful situations and approach to learning
- It also summarizes the candidate's interview style and provides an interview guide designed to enable a hiring manager to probe areas of particular concern regarding the candidate's job fit
Leader Basis Report
- The Leader Basis Report identifies a candidate's strengths and potential areas of weakness for leadership roles
- Similar to the Basis Report, this report utilises the HPI, HDS and MVPI, reflects employment fit, and generates a structured interview guide
- Alternative reports can also be produced using the HPI only, HPI & HDS, or HPI & MVPI
Basis Report
- The Basis Report describes a candidate's fit to a job and organisation and is therefore primarily used in selection processes
- Intended as a tool to aid recruitment processes, this report combines results from the HPI, HDS and MVPI to generate employment fit for each candidate as well as a structured interview guide
- Alternative reports can be produced using the HPI only, HPI & HDS, or HPI & MVPI
- The Basis Report provides a systematic method for making a hiring decision using a combination of the assessment and interview results
Fit Report
- The Fit Report is typically used to assist high volume recruitment
- The report provides a graphic display of scale performance, cut score performance, and a hiring recommendation
- The report is customisable to include hiring recommendations for multiple positions which requires a custom research study (validity generalisation or criterion) where a customer profile based on SME input is created
- The report can be produced using HPI, HPI & HDS, HPI & MVPI or all 3 assessments
Express Report
- The Express Report provides an immediate recommendation that will identify whether the candidate is a high, moderate or low fit for the job opening
- The report assesses a candidate's scores against seven dimensions that influence occupational success
- Jobs are categorised between seven job families; Managers & Executives, Professionals, Technicians & Specialists, Operations & Trades, Sales & Customer Support, Administrative & Clerical, and Service & Support
Career Report (based on the HPI)
- The Career Report describes how a person is likely to act in various business circumstances, identifies strengths and shortcomings, and includes detailed developmental tips on how to manage his/her career
- This high-impact report accurately identifies the behavioural tendencies likely to affect job performance
Manage Report
- The Manage Report highlights the most effective techniques for managing an employee
- This in-depth report identifies strengths on which to build and shortcomings that may be a challenge
Safety Report
- Ideal for assessing workers in safety-critical environments, the Safety Report provides a graphic summary and interpretation of a candidate's safety- related behaviour
- These results outline strengths and areas of concern relating to a general employment fit for a particular work environment
- The report can also provide an overall safety score and developmental, training, and coaching recommendations
- The report can also provide a summary of the candidate's overall desirability for the job
Compass Report (based on the MVPI)
- The Compass Report outlines the occupational significance of a person's core values and provides effective career planning information
- This values-driven report clarifies a person's values, compares these values with various occupations and cultures, and describes the kind of people with whom the person will be comfortable to work and live
Graph Report
- Graph reports introduce the tools and outline the differences between a high and low score on each scale
- The report outlines only the main scales in a graphic with percentile scores
General Employability Report
- Utilising a short intuitive assessment that takes candidates 10-12 minutes to complete, the General Employability Report measures how well a candidate expresses the three key characteristics of well- performing employees:
- People Skills: getting along with others by being friendly, pleasant and helpful
- Learning Skills: learning essential job functions and new skills by being bright, curious and alert
- Work Ethic: taking instruction, being dependable and producing high-quality results
Group Report
- A Group Report provides group member profiles and average profiles as a graphic without any interpretation
- The graphics are then interpreted by the trained user to extrapolate from
- Interpretation can be provided by PCL for an additional fee
- The insight gained allows teams to develop self-awareness and set appropriate developmental goals
- The report can be produced for any combination of the HPI, HDS and MVPI
Team Report
High-performing teams provide companies with an undeniable advantage over their competitors. However, those teams rarely perform at their maximum capacity. That’s because most of the models devoted to creating high-performing teams focus solely on skills and experience, and ignore the influence of personality.
Achieving the right mix of skills, experience, and personality is the key to a productive team and contented workforce. Get that mix wrong, by even just one individual, and the results can be disastrous.
The Hogan Team Report is designed to help team members gain a holistic, personality-based understanding of team strengths, weaknesses, and culture, and to understand how members’ personalities and motivators may support or hinder team effectiveness in light of the team’s character, business, context and goals.
Hogan 360 Report
- The Hogan 360° is a comprehensive multi-rater feedback tool designed to help leaders at any level of an organisation understand how their peers, managers, and direct reports view their performance
- Aligned with Hogan's core assessments, the Hogan 360° uses an easy-to-interpret leadership framework to provide a real-time look at an individual's attitude, behaviour, and performance
- The report offers constructive feedback around leadership expectations and sets priorities for improvement
- Hogan 360 High Potential, Leader Focus and Agile Leader reports can also be produced which correspond to Hogan reports of the same name
Data Report
Data reports can be purchased for individual HPI, HDS or MVPI assessments.
They provide a one page summary of the percentile scores for the scales and subscales of each instrument.
The HPI Data report also profiles 6 occupational scales including Stress Tolerance and Managerial Potential.
Did you know...
We run regular complimentary sessions to ensure our clients get the most out of the Hogan Assessments suite of tools.