Unlock risk culture with the Risk Landscape

Using Risk Type Compass data, the Risk Landscape creates a dynamic and interactive picture of Risk Culture based on the risk dispositions of staff.

As individuals complete the Risk Type Compass, their data feeds into the organisational map, impacting on the colour coding of each team ‘node’

The resulting landscape allows the user to click through each node to explore undercurrents of Risk Culture within departments and teams, which can be interrogated from four different perspectives; Risk Tolerance, Risk Stability, Cognitive Risk and Emotional Risk Dispositions.

A Risk Landscape survey captures reliable and objective Risk Culture data that can be viewed from a total organisation perspective, through to teams and individuals. A truly potent tool for strategic planning, culture audit and organisational development and change.

How does the Risk Type Landscape tool benefit your organisation?

In words attributed to Peter Drucker;

“If you can’t measure it you can’t manage it”

So why not measure it? Risk dispositions vary considerably from individual to individual, have a significant impact on decision making and are highly consequential.

In individuals they define a world view that influences life’s trajectory, in teams they account for group dynamics of conflict or collaboration and in organisations, they shape risk culture. Fortunately, whilst invisible, risk dispositions can be objectively and reliably measured using the Risk Type Landscape tool.

The mapping of the location and prevalence of Risk Types enables risk propensity to be identified and managed; running ‘what if’ scenarios, designing virtual teams, identifying potential for ‘group think’, resistance to change, creative innovation and psychological capital.

Get in touch

Discuss how the Risk Landscape will identify your risk culture.