Adding Backbone to Competency Appraisals

Many organisations still rely heavily on performance ratings for staff appraisals that are highly subjective. Ratings tend to reflect managers’ impressions of an employee’s general effectiveness rather than how they perform against the specific competencies required for a role. This means opportunities are missed to maximise the benefits of a process that’s intended to support personal development, performance and staff retention.

When a major international hotel chain used Profile:Match2 as part of the appraisal process, alongside their traditional framework, results revealed that their existing approach to staff evaluation showed very little differentiation across competencies. Staff tended to be rated high on everything or low on everything, suggesting that general social impression outweighed any consideration of specific competencies. As a result, their appraisal system did not effectively differentiate between employees.

Using a competency-based tool like Profile:Match2 for appraisals addresses concerns surrounding rating subjectivity and ensures employees are effectively assessed against specific job competencies. This means companies can be more effective in targeting areas for improvement in employees’ personal development plans, thereby delivering greater benefits for both their staff and the organisation.

A pdf of the case study is available here.