Written by EQ-i 2.0 master trainer, Hile Rutledge, MSOD, The EQ-i 2.0®Workbook: From Awareness to Action is designed to support a thorough and actionable introduction to ...
Provides detailed insights into a team’s Risk Types, Risk Tolerances and Risk Attitudes. The Report includes: Team Report & Workbook, Individual Workbooks, and five ...
Provides an overview of an individual’s Risk Type, Risk Attitude and Risk Tolerance, along with easy-to-understand descriptions of the individual’s risk-taking nature. Can be ...
In this approach, an individual’s self-ratings of performance are compared to observer ratings from line managers, peers, direct reports or clients, based on the ...
The Personal Development Report provides a comprehensive overview of an individual’s personality using selected competencies. Managers can review an employee’s strengths and limitations, facilitating ...
The Feedback Report is designed to be given to candidates for their own information. It describes their personality profile against the aspects of personality ...
The Interview Guide provides a common framework for each candidate to be compared against, using the exact same yardstick. Based on a candidate’s competency ...
The Selection Report is more in-depth, with interpretive text describing behavioural implications of a candidate’s profile and highlighting areas to explore for each competency, ...